Whether you think you can or you think you can’t; chances are you are right.”
Henry Ford
Part of “knowing yourself” is understanding your beliefs. The difficulty is that most beliefs are unconscious. They have been accepted without ever having been critically examined. wherever it comes from, it is not essential. The really important thing is to be rid of it so that you can experience your ideal life.
The Law of Attraction states that you will attract to yourself those experiences that match your beliefs. These beliefs create your experience of reality. What if these beliefs are in opposition to what you’re actually trying to accomplish? What if they no longer serve you?
In his paper ‘A Dance of Suffering, Shame, and Self-abuse’ Robert Burney describes it like this: “I am feeling fat; I judge myself for being fat; I shame myself for being fat; I beat myself for being fat; then I am hurting so badly that I have to relieve some of the pain; so to nurture myself I eat a pizza; then I judge myself for eating the pizza. This is a functional cycle. The shame begets the self-abuse which begets the shame which serves the purpose of us not setting ourselves up to fail by believing that we are worthy and lovable.”
Wouldn’t it be useful to eliminate these limiting beliefs?
Remember, you are not your beliefs. You are a divine being, so why hold onto anything that is preventing you from realising this truth?
Within the Integrated Healing procedure we:
- Identify those unconscious beliefs and release them
- Change your thought process
- Replace the negative beliefs with positive beliefs
Some Self-Limiting Belief symptoms
- Negativity
- Depression
- Self Pity
- Lack of self-esteem
- Self-destructive behaviour
- Seeks approval of others
- Pessimism
- Cynicism
- Keeping people at a distance
- Unable to make changes/take risks in your life