Phobias (which are classed as anxiety disorders) are an unreasonable, overwhelming, and persistent fear of...
We are all connected to other people on an energetic level via energetic cords. Negative...
Survival programmes are habits that the body runs as part of its fight/flight response.  Many...
The concept of the ‘Chamber of Memories’ is shamanic in origin. It is said to...
Some people profess that they want to heal yet don’t. At an unconscious level, they...
The Blueprint (master plan) for your perfect health and well-being resides in the Higher Self....
In a stressful situation, the fight or flight responses are intended to prepare the body...
The Thyroid is the portion of the endocrine system responsible for secreting the hormones that...
99% of the population has an imbalance/misalignment between the Atlas and Axis. This may cause...
Sometimes our development is held back by vows made in the past. With one in...