Children and Babies

Integrated Healing is perfect for supporting our babies and children who are not yet able to articulate their emotions fully or consciously as well understand their physical pains and discomforts.
We can get to the true root cause of an issue and to help our little (and not-quite-so-little!) ones stay healthy, happy, and well.
We can tap into the subconscious and the body’s innate natural intelligence to discover which blocks and stresses need to be released and how best to clear them.
Any issue at all can be worked on, however common topics for babies and children include:
- Sleep
- Behaviour
- Learning
- Stress
- Family Relationships & Break-ups
- Grief & Loss
- Bullying
- Anxiety
- Trauma (Emotional & Physical)
- Confidence
- Chronic Conditions
- Injuries
- Postnatal Recovery
- Feeding