I will take care of me for you if you will take care of you for me. That is true love.
We are all worthy and deserving of loving, healthy, happy, and fulfilling relationships, whether it is intimate, platonic, or both. However, a relationship that is hurtful or abusive binds us to the other person with negative energetic cords that are created by fear, rejection, resentment, anger, and disrespect to name a few negative emotions.
No one has permission to bring toxicity into our lives without our consent. However sometimes, mostly because we feel disempowered, we neglect to love and honour ourselves and to also demand it from others. Our relationships are a direct reflection of how we feel about ourselves, our self-worth and our self-love.
Relationship traumas can come in many forms such as physical, sexual, non-verbal, and verbal abuse. These relationships can be with romantic partners, parents, children, siblings, other family members, and friends. They often leave long-term damage like feelings of inadequacy, low self-worth and self-confidence, and diminished self-love. The inability to trust and feelings of disappointment, rejection, and failure are also common.
Although these relationships can be extremely hurtful, we have the choice to use the experience of our relationships to grow and learn.
Many a great relationship started with two tortured souls. If both parties have the right intentions, they can grow together and build an amazing relationship and deep soul connection. So often, we seek relationships to learn about ourselves. Therefore, the other person often reflects the exact issue that our Soul needs to work on.
Only when we heal the traumas from the past, reconnect with our inner strength and value, and truly love and honour ourselves again can we be free to heal and move on with our lives.
With this Integrated Healing protocol, we clear the impact of your past relationship traumas. It also empowers you to reclaim a healthy sense of self, have good boundaries, and go confidently into the future knowing that you deserve and are worthy of loving, nurturing, happy, and fulfilling relationships.