Acupuncture is based on ancient, thousands of years old principles and works with the energy flow through the meridians and acupoints on the body.
By stimulating these points with needles, the nervous, digestive, endocrine, vascular, lymphatic, and reproductive systems it is possible to restore and balance the energy in your body.
If the flow of energy in your body is blocked, it can have a huge impact on how you feel, emotionally and physically. Many of these energy blockages occur at acupuncture points. Once these blockages are cleared the body can find its equilibrium.
Acupressure uses the same points and meridians as Acupuncture but use non-invasive pressure to stimulate the points.
In Integrated Healing we use Acu Light, by using a Tri Vortex Green Laser we stimulate acupoints to facilitate healing.
Some of the benefits from Acu Light
- Helps with insomnia
- Clears depression, anxiety and worry
- Detoxifies the body
- Released pain, stress and tension
- Increases circulation of blood and lymph